Thursday, August 23, 2007

i am slacking. i confess my thoughts are muffled and numb right now. God's there but not top priority. in my mind i am saying "this is the time/phase/place i get to coast along, no really huge trials or pressing problems" but i don't realize the seriousness of the complacency.

so today i couldn't find the dvd remote. do you ever begin thinking when you are searching for something so insignificant that God really has you searching for something else? i actually cleaned the dvd cabinet and the couch in the process. i found cereal under the cushions that we haven't even bought in this house and a name tag "George" from the Seinfeld party years ago. but i am off track. what i did find was the reason God had that ding dang remote lost in the first place. i knew when i would find this it would be at just the right time i needed to find it. it's been lost a couple of months.
are you dying yet?!
i found my ring. wha. wha. whaaa. after you recover from my anticlimatic discovery, let me explain. it's my "pray without ceasing" ring and i am always aware of it. i mean it was/is the symbol thing i wore to remind me He's there- to not forget to give it all to Him. i was constantly rubbing my thumb over to the pinkie and pushing it back because it always fell off. every time it fell off i would think it was God saying "pick Me back up- you are forgetting i am here"
then i lost it.
now the fact that i lost it didn't symbolize i was lost those of you who are thinking i am taking things all too literally. for the last two months i have been trying to push back a ring that wasn't there. even that motion would make me think to think of Him, until the last few weeks...when the slacking thing started happening.

so then i came over here to the computer and checked my email. i mean... i got straight on my knees and ... ahem. then i clicked on my upmost for His highest daily devo. check this out!

Prayer Choice And Prayer Conflict

“When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and pray to thy Father which is in secret.”
Matthew 6:6

Jesus did not say - Dream about thy Father in secret, but pray to thy Father in secret. Prayer is an effort of will. After we have entered our secret place and have shut the door, the most difficult thing to do is to pray; we cannot get our minds into working order, and the first thing that conflicts is wandering thoughts. The great battle in private prayer is the overcoming of mental wool-gathering. We have to discipline our minds and concentrate on wilful prayer.

We must have a selected place for prayer and when we get there the plague of flies begins - This must be done, and that. "Shut thy door." A secret silence means to shut the door deliberately on emotions and remember God. God is in secret, and He sees us from the secret place; He does not see us as other people see us, or as we see ourselves. When we live in the secret place it becomes impossible for us to doubt God, we become more sure of Him than of anything else. Your Father, Jesus says, is in secret and nowhere else. Enter the secret place, and right in the centre of the common round you find God there all the time. Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.

God spoke. i love it when He's so clear with me. i had to share.
Now i am going to pray. really pray. and when you see me ask me if i did. i need some accountability and apparently a little pinkie ring.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i do have a new post out there. i am a bit tired of the drenched boys at camp myself...
try my new blog if your bored "i have chickenskin" it's silly and selfish and showcases what i think about when i am trying not to think about anything- pray for me this week- it's pretty crazy. love to all. g

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
