Monday, April 02, 2007

ahh...April 2

today was a breath of fresh air.

i actually relaxed.

i didn't have a single thought of what prop was missing or what i was going to do tonight when my son picked his nose on stage- again

i got out my foot massager/ soaker thingie and gave myself a pedicure and manicure. who knew 2nd and 4th grade boys had such intrest in soaking their feet? i did get a turn and it was fabulous.

i had to share a picture or two of my life the past couple of months.
the first is from a video i made for our "sunday night lights" class- taken spring break, una -by trina. aren't they awesome. they are demonstrating ways to focus in prayer.
second- my kiddo's with the bunny, the bunny, oh, they love the bunny
third- last night...the finale. it was super fun those Donkey Tales.

Scribes for Scribblers

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
