who knew?! apparently a lot of people have shared in the church camp experience but this was my first go at it...i am hooked. can't wait till i can buy canteen, swim everyday with 30 other 4-6th grade girls and stay up late and play with the other counselors.
i learned this last week:
1- girls change their clothes and bathe a lot more than boys
2- benny the clown isn't really all that scary after all
3- jeanne foust's sister, vonya has the same voice and heart as jeanne
4- i am a dork about skits
5- don't panic if someone is drowning you
6- you can miss your own child even when they are sitting right next to you
7- i don't miss the pettiness of a 5/6th grade girl
8- sometimes i act like a 5/6th grade girl
9- i need time alone
10- being a children's minister is a complete and total blessing (except during 1/4 changes).this just scratches the surface...i seriously had a great time. thanks to Jeanne and Amanda for letting me have Hannah and Annsley all week. we made great memories.
enjoy the pics.