Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sadie and Addison!

A rare father and son moment

Sadie signs for Addison Lucy Killen

Sadie gets gifted

Party Time!

Hey! i thought i would share some recent photo's of a busy week!
I can't believe Sadie is FIVE.
Here are some of the things that make her Sadie to me.

1- She thinks words like "humamomma" and "humalachi" are funny.
2- Her favorite thing to do is pack an assortment of items behind our recliner and line them against the wall with a blanket and a pillow from the couch.
3- She thinks she has homework.
4- She says she is going to marry Carson Shepherd.
5- She loves to dress up in a Jasmine costume with a pink and blue hairbow on each side of her head.
6- She watches tv with her feet on the entertainment center just like i used to do.
7- She carries around and "reads" a Magic Treehouse book and calls it her summer reading.
8- She has no personal space.
9- She likes to put her hands on my face and lift my arms when i am talking to adults.
10- She prays everynight for "my brother, my other brother and my sister that's me and Hershey"
11- She loves the songs "Its My Life" and "Sweet Escape"
12- She has serious character voices when she plays pretend. It's quite a show.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

first day of preschool
first day of soccer practice

my little almost 5 year old -she is my best friend these days. i am going to enjoy my time on mon and wed while she's little lambing it up but i will miss her silly self.

Scribes for Scribblers

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
