Saturday, January 02, 2010

Me in Real Life

Today i spent in the world of theater. I watched two different movies, totally unrelated and completely different in every way. (Sherlock Holmes was one, you can guess the other) And when i wasn't watching what someone put together for my enjoyment, i spent in another filmstrip going on in my mind.

Pretending, writing, thinking, to the point i was in another time and place. I was left imagining- what if i let my mind have way with itself? Writing while listening to the music that inspires and wishing I knew what else to do when i get to this point. Usually i end up thinking "you better stop wasting time and do something more productive" which is my exact back of my mind thought at this very moment. I will choose to ignore and carry on for now...

The thoughts of Oswald tonight sent me back to what i know. Find Him and you will find you- by following Him, your heart will be drawn into your soul--being wrapped up in the outpouring. Lately my pace is at an all time fast rate and I don't even recognize myself. Who is this girl? There's no outpouring going on here. Just a lot of planning. I feel drained and while i know the planning makes things work and happen- i can't seem to pull my head above water for a breath of art and fancy and heart.

Where's the balance?

I love that word and hate it all at the same time. One thing I know is I am not made for this world leaving me constantly unbalanced. But the other thing i know for sure is that i am here, so i better find that dang balance and figure out what i need more of to pull that scale down a bit.

Balance to me means learning to pull myself out of the fairy-tale world my mind lives in where i can dance and no one yells at anyone- ever and think straight and organized and simply. I can recognize a good organizer and planner from a mile away, but for the life of me i can't mimic them standing front and center. Why is that?

So my age long pursuit stands in front of me. I must put my big girl panties on and tell some lucky folks what to do, where to go, what to teach, fix, learn, drive, goes on. Sometimes i think I may be in the wrong business. Sometimes i think i just need to stop my whining, let God show me up and let Jesus shine.

Whichever direction I decide to lean towards, I know I love my God and He will make all things right. Eventually things will make sense again and I will have had a taste of my passion and it will look fairly put together for those who see the need in that.

Until then I will be praying for desire, for hope to float up again and inspire me- and for my complicated mind to rest.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! just saw that you're blogging again and you HAVE to keep it up. this post is stinkin' amazing and seems like it came right out of a book. you have to write more. you're too good at it to not. love you lots.

Gena said...

thank you my sweet friend :) you may be a bit bias. i love you for it though. looking forward to "fearless"

Michal said...

I stumbled onto your blog and I have to tell you, I feel as lost as you sometimes. I think you should follow your passion, everyday, in every moment. Don't be afraid of anything and live in love.

Scribes for Scribblers

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
