Tuesday, June 01, 2010

while the paint dries

My New Outlet: painting.
I really am excited about a new idea fueled by my super awesome friend Amy. As we painted last night, we decided I should go for 4 words about God, all with 4 letters and different color dots on each canvas. No worries friends- since this picture I have corrected the fact that "just" is larger than "able" and please understand I won't hang them as it reads..."just able". :) Next up --will be adding the word "holy" and one more word to be determined to make a four square of polka dot art about God. Woo Hoo! So here's the rest of the story...why I feel the need to praise Him in this way:

I have had a recent "fascination" you might say for the New Jerusalem described in Rev. 22. To read about what was ahead for us pumped me up so much I bought a huge canvas and was determined to get my vision of the heavenly city on canvas. Ok, so two things- one--I realized I am an amateur in such a way that I think I may have insulted my maker and two --I came to a heightened awareness that this is an outlet. The end. My future in painting...it's going nowhere.

...and the story goes I paint over it. Big surprise- so far there is nothing. Let me repeat -nothing- I have painted that isn't over something else. But something felt really wrong when I painted over this. I had spent the big bucks (well that means about $25) on a major size canvas for my vision of the holy city- NOT the word "Discernment" which is the word I painted over my gift to God happened to be His gift to me. Apparently it was all about me at this point.

The "New J" canvas, even though it was super ugly and might possibly make Christians re-think their journey toward the city itself was still painted precisely out of love and excitement paying major attention to detail. Yeah, I had my Bible out friends... and the new one... "Discernment"---well if anyone even knows what the word means might know that I would have known better.

Who over-thinks their outlet...isn't that the point?

So all my painting is on hold anyway now for the final days before VBS-- although a lot of thinking takes place about what to teach, where things will go, look and feel during VBS...while I paint-times not wasted- i still need full on focus for this awesome week ahead. If I decide to paint the River of Life again with the two awesome trees and the magnificent wall in all it's glory-- I am sure there will be a story behind it to tell- but sadly, probably not a picture to post. Not until i take some classes.


Julie Young said...

Good job on the paintings!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the other two!

Scarlett said...

Great work! How about "true" or "love" for the other one?

Karen said...

Awesome! I really want to paint with you one day. You know I have ZERO creative talent, so I need you to share yours. Please let me know one day you are painting so I can come too.

Scribes for Scribblers

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How we live our day is...how we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
