gena's world this past week:
2-from 16 teen girls to 5 and 7 year old girls (karen's, my neices) -another movie, this time "the wild" i think that may have been the third time i paid money to see that...i can't think about that... i have refereed fights this go around, peeled fruit and given baths. a different kind of spend the night party indeed but fun none the less.
3-today i am going to pontoon with my parents. the river and wind, a couple of my favorite combinations and this time i just go...refreshing.
4-i bought some herb/vitamins i plan to start taking. it is supposed to reduce stress along with a string of other promises. i will report if this is worth the efforts..$20 for 1 month. i am doubtful.
5-God's hand has been present.
i came home from mexico a week ago today. already real life has tainted my fresh spirit. Please pray for me to have that fresh wind again, more specifically to FOCUS. He is sooo amazing so i know it can't be that hard. Pray for me that i can see His hand in those times that i really can't see much, much less His work in all this. i have had a few of those moments this week, where all i see is the hopeless, human part. Satan is mean to us when we try, i get that...and when we are already weak he wins. i just don't plan on him winning.
James 1:12 God will bless you, if you don't give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.
Thinking of you and dancing for some reason brings about a picture of Charlie Landsdell doing the "Roger Rabbit" in the Mars Hill parking lot...I have no idea why!! Congrats on finally posting a picture of yourself..."You've taken your first step into a larger world.." (Ben Kenobi)
See ya at the next Higher grounds!!
Hey Gena! I'm back from the wedding. It was awesome! I just wanted to write to tell you that I just received an email reminding all that "STRESSED" spelled backwards is "DESSERTS"! Maybe we need to have a big chocolate party soon! :)
did anyone else secretly make fun of "righteous"?
i plan on bringing the word back and up to middle class working mothers vocabulary...come on, you know its a great word, very descriptive. :)
when i read that about charlie i heard joey in my mind and didn't get it. charlie i get, funny.
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