Friday, July 28, 2006

gena's world this past week:

1- teenage girls! we had an "in town mission project" slathered with self indulgences. we prayed and had pedicures, we watched "she's the man" and "girls just wanna have fun" (i was in heaven) we had a small dance party in my kitchen to the tune of "cotten eyed joe"...we made canvas gift bags full of treats for icu patients and snack mixes for our new visitors at cpcc. we delivered everything to ecm and we were filled. an awesome event. there's nothing like 16 teenage girls, one college and your best friend hanging out was righteous

2-from 16 teen girls to 5 and 7 year old girls (karen's, my neices) -another movie, this time "the wild" i think that may have been the third time i paid money to see that...i can't think about that... i have refereed fights this go around, peeled fruit and given baths. a different kind of spend the night party indeed but fun none the less.

3-today i am going to pontoon with my parents. the river and wind, a couple of my favorite combinations and this time i just go...refreshing.

4-i bought some herb/vitamins i plan to start taking. it is supposed to reduce stress along with a string of other promises. i will report if this is worth the efforts..$20 for 1 month. i am doubtful.

5-God's hand has been present.
i came home from mexico a week ago today. already real life has tainted my fresh spirit. Please pray for me to have that fresh wind again, more specifically to FOCUS. He is sooo amazing so i know it can't be that hard. Pray for me that i can see His hand in those times that i really can't see much, much less His work in all this. i have had a few of those moments this week, where all i see is the hopeless, human part. Satan is mean to us when we try, i get that...and when we are already weak he wins. i just don't plan on him winning.

James 1:12 God will bless you, if you don't give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.


Brad Crisler said...

Thinking of you and dancing for some reason brings about a picture of Charlie Landsdell doing the "Roger Rabbit" in the Mars Hill parking lot...I have no idea why!! Congrats on finally posting a picture of yourself..."You've taken your first step into a larger world.." (Ben Kenobi)

See ya at the next Higher grounds!!


Scarlett said...

Hey Gena! I'm back from the wedding. It was awesome! I just wanted to write to tell you that I just received an email reminding all that "STRESSED" spelled backwards is "DESSERTS"! Maybe we need to have a big chocolate party soon! :)

Gena said...

did anyone else secretly make fun of "righteous"?

i plan on bringing the word back and up to middle class working mothers vocabulary...come on, you know its a great word, very descriptive. :)

Gena said...

when i read that about charlie i heard joey in my mind and didn't get it. charlie i get, funny.

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
