Monday, July 02, 2007

my unverbalized thoughts

after an extensive search for my password and username, i decided to come back here.

i have sortof been stepping out of myself lately and looking back at how i am, how i respond to others, my expressions, my genuiness, my intentions, my motivation, my character...

slowly the Lord has shown me these things:

1- i know to trust God but i don't do the follow thru. example: i know to organize my time and figure in advance the time it takes to find teachers but i don't do the follow thru therefore i am left frustrated. or i know that going to visit my grandmother 20 min. away would be the right thing to do but i come up with excuses to let me off the hook.

my lack of follow thru ends up resulting in a lack of faith really. without faith it's impossible to please Him. ouch.

2- as bad as a day i might have, it could be worse. i will get consumed with a dissagreement and my pride will take over. but getting over these things aren't unmanageable. getting over a losing a loved one or a friend would be much worse. bite the bullet and say i am sorry or give 'em grace, whatever you need to do, do it. you'll be glad you did.

3- enjoy kids. they are floating with spirituality. i can see God in them quicker than anything i try to see God in- and not because of anything i have done but by the simple fact they are children. i see why God says become like them now more than ever. you have to open your eyes to it, but trust me, it's there. and things seem easier when you get how that all works.

ok, so three things for now. God is original in His ways to become alive in us. never underestimate how he's going to show you he is working. he used hollywood this week for me. he actually took morgan freeman and his freckley face and made me love Him more.

go see evan almighty with your kids, watch their faces while they laugh. then give someone forgiveness you've been denying, even if they live 20 min. away.


"The Activist" said...

you become so much more free when you do the forgiving and extending of grace. Then there is more room for God to work and more love for you to receive.

thanks for the reminders. i'm glad our God finds ways to show us who He is-even if it's morgan freeman. i can't wait to go see it now.

you're a good friend and an even better person. don't ever forget that.

Scarlett said...

Gena, I admire your honesty so much. You seem to have a good way of keeping an eye on yourself and catching your struggles before they get too out of hand. I long to follow in your footsteps and work towards "stepping out of myself" too. It helps us stay focused when we do that. You always encourage me! Thank you for that! :)

Gina said...

Yay!! I am so glad you're back - I've missed you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

glad to see you've posted again. keep them coming. love you.

Scribes for Scribblers

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
