Monday, November 05, 2007

i am blessed.

i am in more of a thankful state of mind this year but don't we always go there in November?
of course we do. but this year has been a blessing for me. in so many ways it has been proven to be nothing but. starting out i must say i was still at odds about so much in my life-

then somewhere around mid way my world was rocked a bit and along the way i dropped a lot of bitterness. i could laugh and cry and be thankful and grateful and feel. i looked at my healthy children and their amazing personalities and decided God is in love with me. He really is.

now that i believe that i am blessed. it doesn't really matter what comes my way.

and i have some of the best friends in the world.

this is one of my greatest gifts from God. i am not sure why God said "Gena, you will be blessed with great kids and wonderful friends" but He did.

my friends mesh and morph into family and become rocks for me. and the greatest thing about my friends is that they range from older, wise friends to far away long-time life-long ones. to my right here girls that i know i can't live without and i share most of what makes my life fun with to my truly awesome kids in the 5th and 6th grade make me smile and laugh and truly start my week off right every Sunday. my kid friends are the best.

probably some of my truly awesome friends are reading this and can say i didn't know you loved me so much. but i do. and i plan to tell you personally whenever it isn't awkward you know i need to be cool about it all. so here's to you my friend: my five favorite things about you.

1-you laugh at and with me
2- you pray with and for me
3-you give and take advice
4- you support, affirm and forgive me
5- you have something different about you that makes you unique to me.

this year i experienced Jesus as my best friend. i have a bond with Him now that enriched all my other friendships. His convictions, His passion, the way He wraps his arms around me describes a friendship that is eternal. I am most thankful God opened my eyes to Him in a way i had never seen.
what a year.


LucisMomma said...

Gena, that is a really good post. I feel like I'm getting to know you more and more, and that is a good thing! :)

Julie Young said...

Very well said Gena.

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
