Saturday, September 09, 2006

riley's ride

here's todays big new for me. riley announces his parents haven't taught him to ride a bike. being the conformist and now embarrised parent i am -i get myself outside and make him learn on his cousins purple flower bike. he loves this already...

have you met riley? if not, he has the drama of a jr. high girl tucked away in which he pulls out whenever he is tired, hurt or frustrated. with all three in play we were well on our way to disaster.

he peddled as i ran beside him, flip flops and all in this crazy awkward position- i would try to cushion each fall by holding on to any part of his person. finally i decided to do the tough love thing and let him fall so he wouldn't be so afraid to fall. the cute little purple handle bar goes right into his personal parts that i don't understand...
more drama-
finally i am chanting peddle, peddle over and over and am able to let go and just hold the seat...
after more crashes and more drama i wish this story ended in "and i let go and off he went..."

but not so. i am sore. he is bruised and i will pray for better luck tomorrow. the awesome thing about riley is that he is still good to go. this didn't bruise his ego or pride in the slightest. he went in, drank a sprite and was ready for his next adventure which i think included organizing his playstation games- hmmm....

maybe these pics will show you a little bit of our adventure. he liked to take "breaks" -see above picture mule gazing.


Jim said...

That's're a great storyteller, Gena...

Amy F said...

yes, gena. it's time. :) you're such a patient mom. could you share some of that please?

"The Activist" said...

and as an even better mom, you had the camera!

Kym said...

Speaking of being on wheels and out of you remember in Florida when you got in that shopping cart and I was pushing you down the parking lot?? You kept making me promise that I wouldn't let go of you...but I kept ACCIDENTALLY losing my grip on you...I think I still have scars up my arms from where you were trying to hold onto me!!! Aaaah...good times!!! I have pictures of that somewhere...I need to go and dig!
Get out there and work on that bike riding woman!! Do your motherly duty!!
I loved the pictures...thanks for sharing!!

Scarlett said...

That reminds me of the time my sister was learning to ride her bike. Of course my dad said he wouldn't let go, but eventually he did and Heather went coasting uncontrollably into a tree. She literally straddled the tree when she was so sad to see. Seeing that made me realize that girls can get hurt there too! :)

Gena said...

i remember the feeling of utter desperation as i was at your mercy.
i hate you for that! i am glad you bear the scars ;)
i think that was how riley felt saturday. how is it that i gave birth to him and kept him AliVe for 7.7 years yet he thinks i am out to kill him?
training wheels, now explain those to me...
patient, no. i can't take that one. but thanks. if you could have been there you would have seen that with riley it's just all funny.
however... maybe because we laugh at the drama is why the drama is such a regular thing with him. whatever keeps you sain-:)

Meredith said...

This post cracks me up! Thanks for the chuckle! Best of luck to you and Riley as you continue this adventure!! :o)

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