Sunday, August 13, 2006


1 Peter 1:13
Be alert and think straight. Put all your hope in how kind God will be to you when Jesus Christ appears.
Behave like obedient children. Don't let your lives be controlled by your desires, as they used to be.
15Always live as God's holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. 16That's why the Scriptures say,
"I am the holy God, and you must be holy too."

-a group of us went to Athens last night to worship with the Zoe group. How sad is it that i craved, hungered for this worship? Assuming to myself i would do this any given Saturday night if given the opportunity. Why is that not an option? This is God we are talking about here. know i am a fan of entertainment and my recent rompt thru Ecc. has only confirmed me more that it's ok to live a life that we enjoy and i soo enjoy a good movie (and a little JD)- but if i could be doing what i did Sat. just made sense to me. I live for Him, i try to at least- it's natural to express my love for Him. Can we do something about our (my) complacency about worship?!


Amy F said...

wish you could hear that sermon i sent you the link to. talks about this a lot. i'll just send you the CD.

Gena said...

i did hear it- more fuel to MY complacent fire. thanks for sharing.

Amy F said...

Did I hear news about yesterday? Let me know...

Gena said...

yes! Gates was baptized. I really can't put in any kind of words how i feel, i thought about posting our news but that seemed to trivialize it-

God is so good. This was all between Him and Gates -i just watched. Gates wanted it "private" so just his grandparents, a couple of cousins, Reese and Amy B. were there.

It's just fantastic to see your child want God in His life. You have a very small sense that your purpose is complete.

Pray for cp this morning- we have another guy, Jeremy Swindle we are getting to far so good.

Meredith said...

I am SO happy to hear about Gates! I just read about it in Amy's post! As a mom, I can't imagine how you must be feeling!

Amy F said...

i've prayed about g & cp. may i write g a short note? wanna hear about the new try-out.

Gena said...

amyf- yes and thanks for the prayers. It went swell...this guy is confident enough to know who he is and who HE is -and that makes for a good mix.

It seems like to me his style fits our church. I don't know enough about his personality yet but he's easy to talk to- that's a start.

Gena said...

i was emotionally ready because he had been talking about it for a long time- but i wasn't prepared for his
friend Reese (Lambert) to say to him "Gates, were about to be brothers"
i puddled...

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