So it's Saturday, the kids are classically watching cartoons and sporatically eating. I am checking email and blogs. We are about to go swimming i think, well after i do something productive so i won't feel useless...i just ran into a blog from Krista's, "Kelly"-a woman from 7 mile who loves Zoe and pictures and God. Where's Trina? :)
It just made me think about how awesome it would be if we could befriend our fellowship. Kanisha J. and i had a funny conversation about how in the coc we tend to seclude ourselves and murmer and complain about EaCh OtHeR...silly. She grew up under a different "umbrella" of beliefs and you guys know her light-hearted nature, she laughs at us. I have to laugh or i'll cry.
I wish things were different. I like to sit around and think-it's not me who has so much trouble with this, it's the other churches...but its me too. I am used to our style of everything, i am looking forward to changes...ok, enough-
It just all circles back around to my attitude. I want the right one, the attitude that sees the big picture and see's us all at a place of learning and figuring out. Not one person is up here because of this and down here because of that. AHHHH! Please pray for mine. God is AlWaYs working on it.
So let's worship tomorrow. Think about GOD. His nature, His power. How He delivers and rescues and disciplines all rolled into One. He rocks. Clear your head. Clear your mind of all the junk that makes you critical and gross. I know i will have to- now I can't wait...
I'll pray for yours. (Please pray for mine.)
thanks for the prayers. God worked and i worshipped Him this morning. awesome Mexico report trina.
Please pray our members will see teaching as a way to mission locally. we are in great need of a lot of volunteers. more than the usual. fall 1/4 begins in Sept.
wish i were there to help. i'd love to...
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