Thursday, June 22, 2006

do you ever feel like the more your around your kids, the more you want to be around your kids...
or is it the oppposite?
and if you are away from them for a while you almost have to reteach yourself your role?

i think my kids are so fun...(well today they were, parts of yesterday and most of last week) i am with them 24/7 right now, and i like it!
but i am a little worried about my week long stay in Mexico this summer-
missing them for one, but the whole getting myself back in the groove scares me a little-

i am afraid i won't like them when i get back
crazy, you think i'd be anxious to get back and i will be but not what i fear will await.
is that wrong, selfish or normal?
and "worry" isn't the word, it's like i don't want to miss out,
letting go of control stinks no matter why you are doing it.
then coming back to the rules being different for a while and sort of starting over in some ways. yuck. makes me just say, "forget you little mexico" but God said "go", so here i go...well, in a fe
w weeks
again, please pray for me-and them and the little kids i can't wait to meet-

see, she needs me too...


Meredith said...

I didn't know you were going to Mexico. That will be a great experience! Right now, I'd like to leave my crazy kids and go! That's great that you're enjoying them so much right now. I wish I could say the same! :o) This too shall pass!

llama284 said...

It's going to be okay. When I'm away from my little ones...which is almost never (like you), we appeciate each other so much more when I come home...and you'll have new things to bring to them as mama because of your experiences.

love to you...

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How we live our day we live our lives. -Annie Dillard
